Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lake Blanch Fall Hike

All last year Scott and I kept saying "Oooo look at the mountains! We've gotta go on a hike this weekend!" annndd....we never did.. :( SO this year I made a promise that I would get rid of my laziness and get out and see these leaves up close and personal....  and man am I so glad I did!  I honestly could not stop smiling.  I kept telling myself... This is what life is all about, and it really is.  I just feel so thankful that Heavely Father blesses us with seasons and makes them so amazing for us to see.  I sometimes wish fall would never leave or just at least be longer... but then people always say "then you would get tired of it and it wouldn't be the same WOW!"  But the more I think about it, I really don't think it would be that way for me.  When I moved to Utah I was WOW'ed by the mountains and people always said, "Wait 5 years and lets see if you say the same thing..." well I am coming up on 8 (crazy huh?) and not a day goes by that I am not WOW'ed by them.  They still amaze me.  Lets see what happens when 15 years rolls around.  I sure hope I am the same.  So back to my point, I really think I would not loose the all amazing feeling I feel when I see fall leaves.  Even if Fall was year around  They are the most beautiful thing to me.  (Besides Lillian's smile of course! ;) ). I am also thankful for our camera, we were able to capture the beauty for y'all!  We stopped for a while and had a little photo shoot of me and Lillian. :) I hope you enjoy!

Haha on a side note, While we were hiking Scott and I were trying to modifying the lyrics to the great Christmas song called "It's the most wonderful time of the year" for fall! haha I might post our creation later, it's pretty funny if I can remember it all!

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